Wednesday, 26 January 2011

European contest

A new competition is being organized by the European Commission. Its aim is to demonstrate how many different ways people can benefit from learning a language, and citizens over 18 from 31 countries are invited to share their stories on the advantages of learning languages.

You can talk about how learning a language has changed your life, or made you happy, or surprise you somehow, made you proud, or just made yourself useful. You can find more information here.

Share your story with Europe, and encourage and inspire other people to learn languages!

A1 - Speaking about animals...

I have found on the web some information you may find interesting. First, read here about new research carried out on dolphins that suggests they try to find a common language when two different species meet. Or here you can find out about how chimps are capable of deactivating tramps set by human hunters. Or here how butterflies medicate their sick children. Are we really so different?

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Exam dates

Students of Intermedio 1 have the written exam on 9th February, 17:00, room A-6, and the oral exam on 10th February, from 17:00. Make sure you register on the sheets provided.

Students of Avanzado 1 have the written exam on 8th February, at 17:00, room A-6, and the oral exam on 10th February, from 19:00. Make sure you register on the sheets provided.

Practice speaking

This is important information for students of both groups - the registration for the school's speaking groups is now open, and you can sign up for the second term at the office.

To practice your speaking, intercambios are also a good opportunity. An intercambio is a language exchange between two or more people in order to practice each other's native tongue. One of the longest-running intercambio organisations is Multilinkual, they hold exchanges four times a week and there are also out of town trips during summers or long weekends. You can contact them at Another massive intercambio group is MadridBabel, they meet weekly, and you can contact them at

Intercambios online are perfect for those who feel less inhibited in the virtual world than in a real life social setting. If this is your case, why not look at You can also find a lot of intercambio ads at

Monday, 10 January 2011

Welcome back

First of all, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year 2011, I hope you enjoyed your holidays and come back full of energy to start your regular routines.

I would also like to congratulate my students Jacobo (Intermedio 1) and Miguel (Avanzado 1) on winning the school's writing contest, well done guys!

Let me remind you that on the week starting 7th February we'll do a mock exam in class, so that you can have an idea how the exam in June will be.

See you soon!